Fertility Services

Take the next step on the path to parenthood with the support and expertise of Dr Jyotica Ruba and her team. Dr Ruba’s fertility clinic offers advice and treatments across the complete range of the fertility spectrum, and warmly welcomes couples and individuals of all gender identities and relationship types, at all stages of the fertility journey.

Fertility Consultations

Feeling informed and empowered is a big part of the fertility journey. Our consultations begin with a conversation — about your unique experiences and your goals for a family. There is no pressure or expectation in a fertility consultation, it is about information- gathering and having your questions answered in a calm, welcoming setting.

Fertility Testing

My role as your fertility specialist is to find out what may be impacting your fertility through comprehensive testing. We then demystify the test results in the context of your personal journey, and create tailored treatment options that you feel comfortable with.


We offer the full range of fertility treatments, including In-Vitro Fertilisation, where the sperm is put in with the eggs in a lab dish with the aim of fertilisation occurring spontaneously, and ICSI, where the healthiest sperm specimens are selected and injected into each egg. The treatment option we recommend will depend on multiple factors including sperm results and history.

Ovulation Induction

Many of our patients won’t need to go down the IVF route, and can fall pregnant with a little assistance. Ovulation induction is a process where we use medication to stimulate your ovaries so that you ovulate at the optimum time for conception.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine Insemination is another treatment option that is minimally invasive. In IUI, sperm is introduced directly into the uterus at the optimum time for fertilisation. This relatively simple treatment can be the assistance needed for some couples with certain fertility issues.

Genetic Screening & Diagnosis

Genetic screening is a step that couples may take if concerned about chromosomal disorders. Genetic screening increases IVF success rates and reduces miscarriage risk. Genetic screening is optional and Dr Ruba will discuss risks and benefits during your consult.

Egg Freezing

Women wishing to defer starting a family until later in life or who are facing medical challenges have the option to freeze their eggs, giving them greater control over their reproductive futures.

Endometriosis & PCOS

Certain disorders can seriously impact fertility, and not all are obvious in their presentations. Dr Ruba’s wealth of expertise as a gynaecologist will help determine if endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome could be an obstacle to pregnancy, and offer tailored treatment options to reach your fertility goals.

Recurrent Miscarriage

Recurrent miscarriage is a heartbreaking road, and my role as your fertility specialist is to identify any medical factors that may be contributing and support you as we find a pathway forwards. 


In the face of a cancer diagnosis, you may need to take steps to protect your future fertility as you navigate your cancer journey. I am here to support you emotionally and medically as we explore and safeguard options for your future.

Donor Egg/Sperm Cycles

Some people will need donor eggs or sperm to achieve their dreams of becoming a parent, and I will be your expert guide in the donor process. My clinic can organise donors from international sperm and egg banks, as well as provide the required counselling and support during this journey.


Surrogacy, where a woman carries a child for another person or couple, is a highly regulated process in Australia, and my role is to help you navigate this process in an informed and well-supported manner. Please note that we can only support gestational surrogacy, which means that the surrogate cannot use her own eggs.

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Proactive Things You Can Do Before Your First Appointment


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Proactive Things You Can Do Before Your First Appointment


Our Fertility Advisor team will also be in touch by phone to assist with any personalised guidance you might need.

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